Friday, July 30, 2010


It's true that fae do not always blend well into the human world.

We try to pick up on human mannerisms and style of dress, but sometimes we just get it wrong. We might wear suspenders fifty years after they are out of style, or rainboots with a ballgown. But the suspenders will be from an expensive London atelier; the ballgown from a Paris salon; the rainboots, probably filched from a Wisconsin barnyard.

But not these boots honey.

Hat: DPyumyum “Straw Hat 02”
Glasses: Reek “Junior Shades” (with texture change HUD)
Jacket and Shirt: Hoorenbeek “Jacket 1” and “Short White 1” (from the "Business Suit" outfit)
Undershirt: Nicky Ree “Lady Darcy Shirt Top”
Cane: Deco “Duckhead Cane” (Fifty Linden Friday)
Belt: “Wide Waist.Belt”
Shorts: Ducknipple “Hobbs”
Socks: League “Gartered Socks” (includes over-knee socks not shown)
Boots: Hoorenbeek “Alberta”
Ears: Mynerva “Plain Elf Ears” (includes Frontflop, Straight, Backflop ears, tinting HUD)
Hairpiece: booN “COCO73” (intended for wear under hats)
Skin: LeLutka “Dark Friday” (Fifty Linden Friday)
Eyes: Poetic Color “Night Rain”
Poses: Long Awkward Pose
Location: iTutu Forest Skybox



play nice please