While the charity events have been running, I put some other things on hold. I thought I'd start with some highlights from the Steam Hunt. I just can't pass this one by for its ambiance and originality. This season's hunt was fantastic, as usual. If you haven't visited yet, you really should pencil it into your calendar. It runs through March 30th and is great fun.

First I wanted to show off the Grim Bros. "steam hunt goggles". The package includes both rose and green lenses, but if you would like other colors I believe more shades are available in the store. This picture can't really do them justice, as some of the cogs and parts are animated. Lovely.

The BlakOpal "Tramontane Tophat" is embellished with a large brass compass at front, and the coggy bronze and teal hatband looks like it was made to go with this jacket.

At Hatpins, Reghan Straaf's "R.G.B. Steamer" is scripted to emit red, green or blue steam, using a handy little HUD control system, and includes the matching monocle. Or perhaps it is a technical loupe? You'll have to ask a steampunk scientist.

The "Gents Steampunk Regency Top Hat" from To-a-T might be better sized for a lady, but the craftsmanship is top notch. Mine was not resizable but perhaps that was a system glitch.

And the "Visions of Flight" by the Mad Hattery ... what can I say? It's outrageous but completely in theme. There is a pulsing stream of blue energy that runs around the front of the hat, which is much more striking in person than it can be in this still photograph.
... And so much more. If you love vintage victorian, steampunk, or creative anachronism I can't really recommend this hunt too much. If you are new in Second Life, the journey will also introduce you to many of the finer sims and shops in the genre.
There is an inworld group for the Steam Hunt if you would like help, and you may also visit the official Hunt page at
steamthehunt.blogspot.com/, which even has photos of many of the hunt prizes. Have fun!
also worn:
Jacket: silentsparrow "Toxine Suit"
Hair: UncleWeb Studio "Rigel-hair"
Skin: Ricochet "Tristan Dark"
Eyes: MADesigns "EYES_LIGHT – copper"