But this Blooger who’d spent all her money did not.
Not satisfied with Severin and the whole Suit-y season.
Now please don’t ask why, no one quite knows the reason.
It could be perhaps that her shoes were too tight.
Or it could be her head wasn’t screwed on quite right.
In the whole store she looked, she looked all around
but new gowns were scarce; there was none to be found.
Then she got an idea. An awful idea.
She got a wonderful, awful idea!
“If I can’t find that gown, I’ll make one instead.”
She took suit and scissors, seam ripper and thread.
“I know just what to do!” She laughed in her throat.
“I’ll make a Victorian Frock from this coat.”
And she chuckled and giggled! “What a great Mash-y trick!”
So she cut and she sewed and the Frock was done Quick.

I love all the detail on the jacket from the Severin Suit, but I wanted more of the look of a period gown. This second picture shows some of the pieces from the two original outfits I mashed together. I used the Jacket, Shirt and Jabot from the Severin Suit (that was the easy part) and then combined the Dolly Skirt and Bustle from the Severina Suite. These are both pelvis attachments so I rezzed them on the ground, linked them, and attached the whole thing to my hips.
That's where the real work started. First, I stretched all the prims in the dolly skirt to slightly above my ankles. The dolly skirt and bustle looked too different to look like parts of the same garment, so on the back half of the dolly skirt I pulled out the lace underskirt prims so they are outside the fabric. I enlarged to bustle quite a lot. Finally I stepped back and tried the skirt with different poses. My legs tended to stick through in some poses so I spent a good hour fiddling with the prims to minimize that and adjusting the area where the skirt prims meet the waist in front.I sat and tried to think of an original way to write about the new Severin Suit and this moddy mashup was the ee-vill result! Too much fun.
Suit: Silentsparrow “Severin Suit (kohl)” including three jabot shades, two shirts, two jacket lengths, two pants, cuffs with or without lace, jacket tails, different sized attachments for men and women.
Gown: Silentsparrow “Severina Suite (kohl)” including top with or without lace inset, knee length bloomers or shorts, bustle or dolly skirt, optional sleeves, thigh high stockings.
Shoes: Dilly Dolls “Kadies” (color and texture change)
Skin: Your Skin and Your Shape “Vanessa Tan” (hair base option including chignon)
Hat: Crimson Shadow “Black Latex n Top Hat Set” (unavailable)
Ring: Twisted and Spoiled “Glimmer Diamond Ring”
Poses: ImpEle, Long Awkward Pose and Pffiou!