Sunday, June 8, 2014


Under a Steampunk Moon Medium

Even if you have never had cancer, don't know anyone who has cancer, and have the personal word of Deity that you will never have cancer, I have to tell you that the TEN sims of fabulousness that is Fashion for Life is an amazing Smorgasbord of Yum. For example, this outfit is one of Purple Moon's benefit items, including the clothing, hat and matching shoes. I was also tickled to see that Damselfly has updated to Mesh hair and is still around after forever, when so many older businesses have closed up shop. This hair is lovely isn't it?

Under a Steampunk Moon Closeup

I added eyewear by Crie Style. I'm not entirely certain if it is a fancy Gun, or a tiny Laser Targeting System stolen from the future, I'm too intimidated to ask :D   I took a close-up picture so you can see its 248 tiny prims of goodness ... also for charity!

Under a Steampunk Moon Full

This year, ALL sales at Fashion for Life donate some percentage to Relay for Life, and the donation percentage is clearly marked on the vendors. I appreciate that. Kudos to the generosity of everyone involved whether they are donating designs, giving their time, or shopping their sweet little hearts out. Fashion for Life runs through Friday, June 20th. The Fashion for Life blog has a list of direct shop locations if you would like to head to your favorite stores, but you really should walk around and take it all in.

Jacket/Skirt/Hat/Shoes: Purple Moon "Time Traveller" (at Fashion for Life)
Monocle: Crie Style "Sehr" (at Fashion for Life)
Hair: Damselfly "Kippar" (at Fashion for Life)
Skin: Essences "Siggy"
Eyes: Ikon "Horizon"
Hands: by SLink
Nailpolish: by Flair (at Fashion for Life)
Poses: by Marukin


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