Monday, September 30, 2013


Connections Closeup

I'm a believer in making connections; connections with other people, yes, but also connections with yourself. While you are busy thinking of others and being kind to others, also remember to be kind to yourself!

Connections Medium

Yes go to work, yes kiss your children, but also wear perfume! Other people will walk by and enjoy your scent for a moment, but you know who will enjoy that perfume all day long? You will!

Connections Full

You have my permission. If you need it.

Dress: LIV-Glam "On My Way"
Shoes: SLink "Vintage 2-Strap Pumps"
Skin: Essences "Amaterasu"
Hair: Exile "Tempest"
Eyes: Ikon "Ardent"
Hands and Feet: by SLink
Lashes: LeLutka "Photoshoot II"
Poses: by Don't Freak Out and Long Awkward Pose (unavailable)


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play nice please